I mean, aren't the similarities striking? At least, thats what it looks like from this early colour photograph of a carpenter at work on Douglas Dam, Tennessee in 1942. Look at all that blood, er, dirt on his scrub suit.
How tough can these two professions be? Depends on what your work is...A mayster does rough carpentry, a finish carpenter does exact work, and then there is the miyadaiku - the temple carpenter of Japan who use tools quite distinct from others, like a saw that cuts on the pull and he prefers to do the finest most delicate and aesthetic work in sitting position! And 98.5% of carpenters are men according to wikipedia. [95% of neurosurgeons are too...]
Find out! try your hand at carpentry! Be sure to protect your fingers though.
So, what carpenter are you?
Image source: [original] http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/fsac.1a35241 [Retouched one is available at wikipedia]
it is a professional carpentary!! And given high regards!!
dear dr hi i am a senior consultant neurosurgeon in a corporate ivy hospital mohali . i saw ur website blog ,& i really appreciate ur effort ,. i,d love to be in ur group. pl feel free to contact me for any querries. good luck dr praveen k nath neuronath@gmail.com 9814355960
from being barbers- surgeons to being carpenters dealing with bone, being tailors to do patching up the layers..............so on, i love neurosurgery for it lets us be all in one. more so philosophical now too when i say gliomas are like bad people in the society ....corrupt by thought , action, intent, genes....gr1,2,3,4...u cant live without, modify them and coexist,decrese their breed,take them out of society depending ontheir severity.
Sure, Dr. Nath, thank you for your kind words.
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